Living On The Edge Of Existence
Joff Insole
Prescient Pool 2019
Artist residency & open studio: July – August 2019
Exhibition: 31 August – 15 September 2019
Opening: Fri 30 August 2019, 5-9pm
The imagery deployed by Joff presents us with a unique and seemingly naive perspective of Folkestone – filled with characters, local history and music references, Insole’s gleeful view of the world is personal, transcendental, unexpected, as he skilfully interweaves the fabrics of life, dreams and popular culture into a unique mise-en-scène.
Comprising acrylic and pencil drawings, and paintings on board, Insole has taken himself and his immediate surroundings as subject, made strange by the use of unexpected perspectives – a brightly colored idealized and faceless ‘Nuclear Family’, a yellow portrait of ‘Edith Piaff’, a bare knuckle and shirtless ‘Fighting Bill from Dover’, with his elbows and knees flexed and ready to go.. his clenched bloody fists appear like roses within the portrait. There is magic and there is realism: a desolate looking ‘Blue Tree’ in an intensely red and dreamily dim landscape. The highly symbolic motifs are highly relatable, and the interplay between what might be real or imagined lightens the more turbulent and rebellious undertones of the work.
Image Credit:
[1,2,4,5]: Nina Shen-Poblete
[3]: Hannah Prizeman